Dermatology First Visit

What to expect at your pet’s initial appointment?


  • complete the forms prior to the appointment.
  • arrive 10-15 minutes prior to your pet’s initial appointment and 5 minutes prior to your pet’s recheck appointments.
  • bring a list of any medications, nutritional supplements and topical therapies that are currently being used or have been used in the past for your pet
  • bring information on the diet your pet is being fed
  • bring a copy of your pet’s medical records or have them emailed to


Please do not

  • feed your pet the morning of the appointment; water is ok.
  • bathe your pet 3-4 days prior to the appointment.
  • apply any topical medications to your pet’s skin at least 24-48 hours prior to your pet’s appointment.
  • put any ear medications or flushes in your pet’s ears the morning of the appointment


The Apex Dermatology Team will work with you to determine the nature of your pet’s dermatological problem and will recommend diagnostics and/or treatments based on your pet’s needs. Please plan on spending about 60-90 minutes at your pet’s initial appointment.

After each visit

You and your primary care veterinarian will receive an email with information from your pet’s visit including the treatment plan.  Most dermatological conditions are not curable and thus often require long-term maintenance and follow-up visits. However, we do not take the place of your pet’s primary care veterinarian.

In the least, annual rechecks are needed to refill prescription medications, ensure your pet is responding to therapies, and perform further diagnostics or treatments if needed.

Request an Appointment