Please fill the formĀ ahead of time, so we can expedite your first visit
The first appointment is normally an examination and consultation. At that time, your pet’s medical history, medical records, a list of current medications, and any pertinent dental x-rays are reviewed. Please bring the necessary records so we have all necessary information. Dr. Beebe will perform a physical examination with a detailed oral assessment. Since client education is very important to us, all the different treatment options will be fully discussed and any questions will be answered. A treatment plan will be provided at the time of the consultation. In addition, if anesthesia is involved with the treatment, recommended pre-anesthetic testing will be discussed. We work alongside our other specialists in cardiology, internal medicine, and anesthesia when needed to address any anesthetic concerns. If a procedure is recommended, it can be scheduled at the time of consultation.
If your pet requires a more immediate procedure or if you traveling a distance to reach us, procedures can be arranged for the same day of the consultation.
On the day that your pet is scheduled for a procedure, drop-off times are arranged in the morning. Pets scheduled for a procedure should not eat after 10 p.m. the night of the procedure but may have water until they arrive at Apex. Give all scheduled medications on the morning of the procedure (unless your pet is diabetic or otherwise instructed). Plan on having your pet stay with us for the day. Most of our patients go home the same day of the procedure in the afternoon. If overnight care is required, pets stay at VRCC where they can receive 24-hour personalized supportive care and pain control if necessary.
Please call or use our appointment request page to schedule an appointment.