24 Feb Root Canal Therapy Steps
Step 1
Dental Radiograph (X-rays)
Intra-oral dental x-rays before, during, and after the procedure are essential.
Step 2
Pain Control
Regional Nerve Blocks, just like the novocaine blocks you would receive at the dentist, are one of the tools used to help with pain management.
Step 3
Pulp Canal Access
A small hole in the crown of the tooth is made and the pulp canal system is accessed.
Step 4
The canals are cleaned and shaped with hand or engine-driven rotary files.
Step 5
Obturation (Filling)
After the canals are cleaned and dried, they are filled with a material. The filling material is seen in all three roots in the x-ray to the left.
Step 6
A final layer of composite (the white material that is often used for fillings in your own mouth) is placed on the tooth to provide a hard, protective outer layer. A crown could also be considered if needed for extra protection.