23 Feb Sialoceles
Sialoceles , or accumulation of saliva in subcutaneous tissues, are often traumatic in origin, and can be seen in cases of iatrogenic injury. Saliva accumulates when the salivary duct is obstructed or ruptured. Although the swelling itself is usually painless, the clinical signs can cause problems depending on location of the collection. Intraoral sialoceles, like those found under the tongue (ranula), can lead to drooling or difficulty chewing/swallowing. Pharyngeal sialoceles may cause respiratory problems or gagging. Fine needle aspirate and microscopic analysis reveals a thick mucoid fluid with a neutrophilic response (white blood cells). When necessary, x-ray dye studies can be performed to determine the affected salivary gland. Treatment involves surgically opening the mass to allow drainage and removal of the responsible salivary gland.