02 Nov What To Do If Your Dog Has A Discolored Tooth
Posted at 19:18h
in Oral Conditions
As a dedicated pet owner, nothing is more alarming than noticing changes in your furry friend’s mouth. One such concerning issue can be the discoloration of your dog’s tooth.
One of the most common reason for a dogs tooth to discolor is trauma or injury. Dogs, especially active ones, can sustain injuries during play or while exploring their environment. These injuries can lead to bleeding within the tooth, causing it to appear purple or grey, like a bruise.
Steps to Take When You Notice a Purple Tooth in Your Dog:
- Call Your Vet of A Veterinary Dental Specialist: The first step is to schedule an appointment with a reputable veterinarian or veterinary dentist.
- Provide a Detailed Medical History: Be prepared to provide your veterinarian with a detailed medical history of your dog, including any recent injuries, changes in behavior, or other relevant information. This information can help the veterinarian better assess the potential cause of the tooth discoloration.
- Follow the Veterinarian’s Recommendations: Depending on the diagnosis, your veterinarian may recommend various treatment options. The treatment for a discolored tooth is extraction or root canal therapy. Root canal therapy my only be performed my a dental specialist, whereas extraction can typically be done safely with your family veterinarian. Both options treat the problem, but when it is an important tooth (like a big canine tooth), root canal therapy may be the better option.