Author: Brittany Schulenberg

As a general rule, chewing on toys and dental treats is good activity for the majority of dogs. Chewing can help teeth clean, will promote gum health, and keeps dogs busy. However, it is important to consider options carefully when selecting the ideal chew item....

When it comes to our beloved pets, their health and well-being are of the utmost importance. While we often focus on aspects like nutrition, exercise, and routine check-ups, one crucial aspect that sometimes goes unnoticed is dental health. Periodontal disease is a common yet often...

As a dedicated pet owner, nothing is more alarming than noticing changes in your furry friend's mouth. One such concerning issue can be the discoloration of your dog's tooth. One of the most common reason for a dogs tooth to discolor is trauma or injury. Dogs,...

Anesthetic teeth cleanings are a common veterinary procedure for cats. While there are inherent risks associated with anesthesia, especially for older cats or those with underlying health issues, the benefits of a thorough dental cleaning often outweigh the risks. Dental disease in cats can lead to...

The frequency at which your dog needs a veterinary teeth cleaning can vary based on several factors, including their age, breed, diet, prevalence of home dental care and overall dental health. However, as a general guideline: Annual Dental Checkups: Most veterinarians recommend an annual dental...

Yes, brushing your cat's teeth can be beneficial for their oral health. Just like humans, cats can develop dental issues such as plaque buildup, tartar, and gum disease. Regular brushing can help prevent these problems and maintain your cat's overall oral hygiene. However, it's important to...

The American Veterinary Dental CollegeTM (AVDC) serves as the certifying body for veterinary professionals specializing in dentistry and oral surgery for animals. The AVDC holds the belief that providing high-quality dental care to animals not only enhances their lifespan but also reduces discomfort, leading to...